Fanboy News Network Episode 54

“Too much time on his hands”

Daniel returns from his epic road trip, so he and Jeff get back into the swing of things.

The question of weapons at conventions brought on by the incident at Phoenix comicon.

The lawsuit over the use of the name comic-con.

Jeff gives his impression of the films Wonder Woman, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.

The boys talk about the trailers for Black Panther, Jamanji, Thor: Ragnarok, and the Defenders.

Jeff talks about shows he caught up on recently, Riverdale, Lucifer and American Gods. Daniel sings the praises of Wynonna Earp.

How Diamond Distributing is slowing choking the comics industry.

The difference between how Marvel and DC think they are innovating comics, and how they are both failing at leveraging the success of the movies to drive book sales.

Jeff talks about PodCon, a podcasting convention in Seattle in December.

The unique position Welcome to Night Vale holds amongst narrative podcasts.

What the boys are currently reading.

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